Drug Consumption Rooms in the Netherlands

2018 Update

In the Netherlands, for many years drug consumption rooms (DCRs) are one of the harm reduction interventions run by addiction treatment and social relief services. The first formal drug consumption room was run by an addiction treatment service and opened its doors 10 June 1994 in Maastricht. Since then, the number of drug consumption rooms increased, primarily aiming for the reduction of drug-related nuisance in the streets and public spaces. In the 21st century, the need for specific drug consumption rooms decreased, due to the many initiatives that took place in the field of housing of homeless people who use drugs (PWUD). Changes in the objectives of DCRs were noted over time, as more facilities now have included health promotion for PWUD as a main target. And since the 2010s, addiction care services are shifting their objectives towards recovery, which includes societal, social and personal recovery.

This is a translation of the 2018 report 'Gebruiksruimten in Nederland, update 2018'. The text has been slightly adjusted to better serve the interests of readers from abroad. Some topics that were described in the original document were excluded from this version, but are available upon request.

Auteur A. de Gee, D. van der Gouwe, S. Woods, C. Charvet, A. van der Poel

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Category Rapporten