Addressing binge drinking in nightlife and other settings
STAD (STockholm prevents Alcohol and Drug problems) is one of the few cost effective
local prevention strategies targeting binge drinking. Developed in Sweden between 1995
and 2001 it has proven to be effective in the reduction of alcohol overserving, decline of
underage drinking, and the reduction of alcohol-related aggression.
The programme uses both formal and informal control measures to address binge drinking in
bars and clubs, but also underlines the need for community support of such measures.
The programme was made permanent in Stockholm under the name of the 'STAD
cooperation' and has now been disseminated to about 200 of Sweden’s 290
Related products:
STAD in Europe. A manual for communities preventing alcohol related harm
Common myths regarding the STAD approach. A reality check
The STAD approach in 7 steps. Boekenlegger / Bookmark